About Us


Amavi Therapy Center was founded by Janika Veasley, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Amavi is Latin for "I Loved/We Loved" and Janika believes love is a universal feeling and experience. At Amavi Therapy Center, we believe that relationships are an essential part of life and everyone deserves to feel loved and valued. For those who have loved and lost, it is our hope and goal to help you heal and transition from that pain so you can love again.

Amavi Therapy Center is a private practice for mental health and wellness located in Yardley, Pennsylvania. We know healing comes in many different ways and it is our desire to help facilitate the healing process to achieve a fulfilling and lasting result. In order to heal, we must answer the questions that keep us from overcoming our fears and obstacles. We must learn to react differently to the situations that become triggers, cause us pain and hinder our growth.

Amavi Therapy Center focuses on helping individuals and couples transform their relationships and find their authentic selves. Whether you are single, in a new relationship, engaged, newlyweds, married for years or divorced, Amavi Therapy Center can help to provide resources, insight, and awareness needed to help sustain our relationships. Therapy can help you on your journey to finding joy, peace, self-esteem, spiritual connection, and love.